Free In school

Virtual Workshop: Explore Art

National Museum Cardiff

Combining film and live facilitation, this workshop introduces learners to the art galleries with a focus on Welsh Landscape art and artists. Learners will consider how the Welsh landscape has inspired artists. They will analyse some key Welsh landscapes, question evidence and develop vocabulary to describe and respond to artwork. Learners will also have the opportunity think about art technique, style, composition and the use of light and colour.

To make a booking and talk to someone about this session phone (029) 2057 3240 or email

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: For use in school - free of charge.


Expressive Arts

  • Exploring the expressive arts is essential to developing artistic skills and knowledge and it enables learners to become curious and creative individuals.
  • Responding and reflecting, both as artist and audience, is a fundamental part of learning in the expressive arts.
  • Creating combines skills and knowledge, drawing on the senses, inspiration and imagination.


  • Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future. 

Languages, Literacy and Communication

  • Expressing ourselves through languages is key to communication.